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Querying and Querying

Querying and Querying

Those of you who are authors will feel my pain. I’ve finished the fun part: I did the research and wrote the book. Now, I’ve sent it for feedback to beta readers and have nothing more to do than to wait. Oh, and look for an agent. Now, it is very possible...
We Have a Cover Design!

We Have a Cover Design!

It has been a marathon! First, I posted a contest on, asking folks to submit ideas for a book cover. In a week, I got over 100 submissions: some great, some okay, and some…well…we won’t talk about those. After whittling them down to...
Announcing my new book, Unforgivable

Announcing my new book, Unforgivable

Well, it’s official. I’ve finished the first draft of my new book, which is about my father’s life in the wartime Netherlands. Now, the hard work begins. I have to figure out a subtitle. I know the title is Unforgivable, but the subtitle?...