About Caroline Crocker

Award-Winning Author

My Story

I am an immigrant born to an immigrant born to an immigrant born to an immigrant. On one side, I began in Poland (as far as I know); my great-grandmother moved to Germany; my grandmother moved to the Netherlands. My mother’s father seems to have “started” in France many generations ago, but recent family lived in the Netherlands. My father’s family was pretty much just Dutch, with one grandparent being Jewish, as well. But, Dad was born in the Belgian Congo and naturalized American. So, I guess he’s an African American?

My parents moved from the Netherlands to Canada, then to the USA, then to England, then to Iowa, then to Texas. I married a British man and moved back to the USA after our children were born. We lived in Iowa, Virginia, California, Texas, and now Virginia again. To keep it interesting, along the way we adopted a Bulgarian!

My career has been equally varied. As a teenager, I counted sweepstake tickets, waitressed, and worked in a dress shop. During and after college, I trained as a scientist: microbiology and immunology, to be precise. Then I worked in medical research in Oxford (multiple sclerosis) and Omaha, NE (allergic disease), before I taught cell biology, microbiology, and other courses at a four-year college and a community college in VA. After a brief stint as a movie star and a time doing some private tutoring, I started a nonprofit and learned all about writing, websites, newsletters, blogs, speaking, and more. Because that was not enough of learning new things, I then started a company with my son, where I negotiated with lawyers, wrote patents, figured out business plans, and worked with investors.

And now? Now I’m doing what I enjoy best. Hanging out with my grandchildren, gardening, and writing books. Adult books, big kid books, little kid books, Bible studies, and even a book on doing microbiology in your kitchen. All of them are true, but most read like fiction. 

* Member SCBWI, VWC, and CCWF and member of the Fairfax Arts Commission.

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Just like I did not stick to one career, I also have not confined myself to one genre. So, my books cover everything from science to religion and from children’s picture books to a book that is definitely only for adults. The commonality tends to be that the books are truth written like they are fiction.

Professionally, I’ve written a chapter for a medical book and a couple dissertations that very few will ever read. My magazine articles are mostly on science with a splash of education just for fun.

Oh, and that does not even cover my blog, which is called RamblingRuminations for a reason. (By the way, I have NO IDEA how many people read what I wrote over the years, nor do I know if everyone liked it. Just keeping it real…)

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Featured 9/7/23


Very well written and expressive.

I loved every word of it!

A beautifully written book about a powerful true story.

What a beautiful heartfelt portrayal…

-about my books

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