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The First Launch Party

The First Launch Party

On Saturday, April 20, I had the first Unforgivable launch party that was open to the public. A sweet friend, my husband, and I set up the tables, arranged the food, and put up directions on where to go, and we were ready. 2:00. Time to start. One person arrived. I...
The Excitement is Growing

The Excitement is Growing

Feedback from those who have advance copies of Unforgivable is coming in–and it is great! Some say they couldn’t put it down. Others called it riveting. This is what Trudi had to say. “Unforgivable: Through a Child’s Eyes” is an extremely well...
It’s Available for Preorder!!

It’s Available for Preorder!!

Great news! Unforgivable is now available for preorder as an ebook, a paperback, or a hardback. Just enter “Unforgivable Caroline Crocker” into the Amazon or Barnes and Noble search bar and you can choose. Or just click...
It is Finished!

It is Finished!

A couple of weeks ago, I announced that I was done editing Unforgivable. Today, I finished formatting the book and turned the process over to GRAPHIXMUNNA, who will format the cover.  What’s next? I needed to set a real, true, not wishful thinking, publication...
Delays are Inevitable

Delays are Inevitable

Well, I did it. I had to, really. I was left with no choice. I didn’t want to, but sometimes life interferes. So, I did the best I could. I really wanted it to happen before Christmas. But no. The best laid plans of mice and men… What? I had to put back the...